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    Wednesday, November 28, 2007

    Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spamity Spam, Spaaaaam

    My brother Pat was visiting us a couple of weeks ago. We went to the Downtown Gainesville Art Festival on Saturday afternoon. This is a really nice festival with lots of artists and lots of food. I commented that if you want people to walk around for a long time and spend money then you need to feed them. Pat commented that Food + Art = Fart. That's my family! As we turned a corner, we saw the Spam truck. Of course I had to take a picture, otherwise I'm sure no one would believe me. Seriously - a Spam truck - at an art festival no less. We had a great time and I bought a couple of wooden puzzles. Of course, you can not mention Spam without Monty Python coming to mind so here is the Spam sketch for your amusement.

    1 comment:

    Joey said...

    I'll have the spam, spam, spam, sausage, egg, beans, and spam.