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    Saturday, November 3, 2007

    The Expo

    Friday, Sarah and I heading to the NY Marathon Race Expo. It was by far the craziest race expo I have ever been to. There were people everywhere! There were lots of volunteers to direct the athletes so picking up my race number and packet were relatively easy. Once we were done with that, we headed out into the expo for some shopping. It was really crowded! We covered most of the expo, but we were going pretty quickly so I'm sure I missed some freebies. I did score a bandana from the Livestrong booth and an autrographed photo from Stepheno Baldini, the current marathon Olympic gold medalist. After doing some shopping, we decided it was time to go. I get agitated if I spend too much time in large, crowded, noisy places - it's why I avoid places like Walmart and Home Depot. I bought some pretty cute things, but my favorite purchase by far is the FDNY t-shirts that were being sold at the Expo exit. There was a group of firefighters selling shirts with the FDNY logo on the front and "FDNY Stand Back 200 Feet" on the back. Of course I had to have one! I got one each for the twins and one for me and my sister - in pink. Anyone that ever thought I needed a warning label has now gotten their wish. The shirts were $10 and all proceeds go to FDNY - a great shirt and I get to feel good about it too.

    1 comment:

    md said...

    Hi T!!!
    AWESOME job on your marathon!!!! It was a blast tracking you. Wish I could have been there.
    Can't wait to read the race report!