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    Sunday, November 18, 2007

    Friday Fun

    This past Friday, I attended a health fair at the Veterans Administration. I was there in my capacity as a yoga teacher, and the primary goal was to drum up interest for a yoga class for employees at the VA. My friend Barry is the Wellness Director at the VA and during several of our runs we had talked about the possibility of me teaching yoga classes for the employees. He invited me to the health fair and has been telling everyone about me. The response was overwhelming! I had a sign-up sheet for people that were interested in getting more information and over 40 people signed up. Looks like I'll be teaching at least one yoga class starting in January. I know a few of you are thinking "It's about time" and it really is.

    It was fun hanging out at the fair all day and talking with people about yoga. I think I did a nice job with my display. I had lots of visuals, I had made a brochure that had some basic info about yoga and about me, some business cards, and a sheet of basic yoga poses that people could take with them.

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    My Display

    I also made the rounds of the other tables. There was a rep from Powerhouse Gym at the table next to mine and we chatted, the VA nutrition consultant was behind me. She was extolling the benefits of dark chocolate. I started teasing her that if she was going to insist on talking about chocolate that she was going to have to give me some. The Gainesville Rowing Club was there. One of my stadium group is a member so she was there representing the club. I am hoping to be able to attend one of their Intro to Rowing classes in the spring and maybe start rowing. That should take care of my current lack of upper body strength really fast. I also talked with the Rock Gym guy. I would love to start climbing again - even if it is inside. Tuesday is Ladies Day so maybe that'll be something new for me to do.

    Alberta, one of the Florida Gators mascots - it's Albert and Alberta - was present. She was hilarious! She visited all the displays, had her blood pressure checked, and demonstrated several yoga poses. We even did some sun salutations. She is an accomplished yogini. She was a little upset about my Babar Yoga for Elephants Book. I assured her that gators are just as good at yoga and that perhaps she and I should write a book. It was a really fun day!

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    Blood Pressure Check

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Alberta Demonstrates Warrior II


    Maggie said...

    yes, your display looks wonderful! you forgot to mention that you also shopped with me, virtually via txt messaging. It was fun shopping with you!

    Joey said...

    I think it is good that Alberta is getting her blood pressure checked. She and Albert spend so much time at the stadium and basketball arenas - their diet can't be that great.

    Teresa said...

    I did forget to mention virtual shopping with Maggie - always lots of fun! I may need to get that bike jersey in pink :-)

    What's that - nachos, french fries, and beer aren't good for you? At least Alberta has the yoga to keep her stress levels low.