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    Wednesday, November 21, 2007

    Off to Rockport

    Brian and I are heading off to Rockport to spend Thanksgiving with Joey, Rachel, Jordan, Maggie and Joey's parent's Bill and Carol, and whomever else of Joey's family may be stopping by. Now I'm sure some of you may be wondering why we aren't going to Maryland to visit my family or New York to visit Brian's. There are lots of reasons but the big one is that we consider Joey and his family to be our family as well, and when you move away from your family it's always good to visit.

    Back when Brian and I lived in Texas, Joey and Rachel sort of adopted us. I guess moving halfway across the country and leaving your friends and family behind sort of makes a person in need of adopting. Anyway, this was back when Robert Mueller was the Austin Airport and flying back to the Northeast was both costly and a hassle. We started spending Thanksgiving at Joey's parents. Now I could go on and on about how great it is to spend Thanksgiving with the Trimyers, but I need to finish packing so I'm going to sum it up - lots of amazing food, lots of my favorite people in the world, football, and pie. It really is a great way to spend the holiday.

    For my family who is reading this, of course we miss you and I wish we could all be together to celebrate Thanksgiving - I'm not sure there is a house big enough to hold all of us, but that's a detail for another day. We love you! Happy Thanksgiving!

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