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    Monday, December 3, 2007

    Holiday Time Already?

    It's been a week since Thanksgiving and I am in serious holiday denial. Seriously where did the time go? It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride this year - an introspection that I'll save for another post - but I really can't believe that another year has come and gone. Now before anyone thinks I'm getting all Scroogey - I love the holidays, I'm just completely unprepared for them. I got a request from my Secret Santa for gift ideas and I drew a complete blank. That is really unusual for me. I know some of it comes from living in Florida - it's very odd for me to think about Christmas when it's 80 degrees out. Not that I'm complaining about the warm weather - I'm just saying warm weather and holidays don't make a connection in my brain. When we were in Austin, we had the Trail of Lights in Zilker Park so even if we were wearing shorts and sandals, we had a holiday light display to put us in the mood. I told Brian we need to go find some light display this weekend.

    This past Friday, we went to Brian's department's holiday party. This was the first year they had a party. The department chair decided that there was enough faculty and staff to warrant a party. Wohoo! We had fun! Lots of yummy food, beer and wine, good music, and excellent company. Here's a pic of me and Brian at the party.

    1 comment:

    Joey said...

    What the eff? There is no way xmas is coming up soon. Someone get me a calendar....

    Crap! What happened to my year? Did someone steal August again? As hot as it is here in Texas I can never be sure what month it is.
