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    Sunday, October 7, 2007

    The Pirate Party

    Looks like I'm back to posting once a week. I'll try to do better. The sad thing is that I started this post 5 days ago. I uploaded the photos and put together the slide show and then didn't get back to the post until now. I know - pathetic. I'll be emailing a snapfish link to some of you with all the pictures from the party. If you don't get that email in a few days and want to see the pics, just let me know. Okay, now for the important stuff.

    Jordan's 6th birthday party was 2 weeks ago, September 22 to be exact. I was in Austin for the party. (See my previous post for trip details). Jordan decided he wanted a pirate theme party this year so Rachel and Joey put together a pirate treasure hunt for the kids. Joey acted as Pirate Master and led the children on their quest complete with a water balloon fight. The treasure was goody bags. It was really cute and so much fun to watch the kids!

    After the hunt, there was yummy food, a pirate cake, and the pinata. It isn't really a party without a pinata, is it? The kids were really swinging hard at the pinata. It was busted open in no time. Then there were presents and the party was over. Everyone had a really good time. I think Jordan opened his presents twice as fast as he did last year.

    Joey's parents and Rachel's mom and grandma had come to town for the party. I don't get to see them very often so that was nice. I spent a lot of time catching up with Linda, which was also really nice. I have to do better about keeping in touch.

    Overall it was a big success! Rachel and Joey really know how to put together a party!

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