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    Thursday, September 27, 2007

    Back to Austin

    I know I haven't posted in a while. I was in Austin from last Thursday to Tuesday. I thought I would have time for a post while I was there but it turned out to be busy a trip. Now I haven't been to Austin since last April so I was particularly excited to see Rachel and Jordan. Of course I am always excited to see Joey but he was just here in Florida visiting me and Brian. Saturday was Jordan's birthday party so I thought that would be a good time to visit.

    Overall, it was a really good trip. I consider Austin home in a lot of ways. Brian and I moved there together in 1996 so he could pursue his Ph.D. It was really the first time we had lived together without roommates and we were far away from anyone we knew. The experience solidified our relationship and every time I visit Austin I am reminded of that. Also, I just love the city - even with all it's growth and changes in recent years, it is still an awesome place to live. Brian and I would move back in a heartbeat. On top of all that, my favorite people in the world that aren't blood relatives live there.

    I am in training for the New York marathon so I had workouts that I could not skip. On Friday, Joey was nice enough to let me ride his bike on the trainer. Later on that day, after I had gone with Joey's parents to pick up the tables for Jordan's party and met Joey for lunch at work; I had a lovely swim at Barton Springs. I love swimming at the Springs! I know the water is cold, but it feels so good, and it always feels so peaceful there. Plus Joey and I used to swim laps there together before I moved so it feels like part of the homecoming ritual.

    Sunday was my long run. My coach had me doing 15-18 miles but no longer than 3 hours. I opted for laps on the hike and bike trail so I wouldn't have to worry about carrying too much with me while I ran. I got a later start than I planned - I was feeling a little ooky when I woke up. Fortunately the weather cooperated with me. It was so nice to not have to deal with the absolutely abysmal humidity that is summer in Florida. I started at Auditorium Shores, did Mopac to I35, Mopac to Congress Ave, and Mopac to 1st St. There were lots of people out on the trail, which was awesome. It was so nice to run surrounded by lots of happy, fit people walking, running, biking, and enjoying the weather. When I run in Gainesville, I'm lucky if I pass a single runner. I stopped running when I hit 15 miles and walked the last mile or so because I had jogbra chafe so bad it was bleeding. I still managed to average 11 minute miles. For the first 12 miles, before the chafe got too painful, I was staying comfortably steady at 10:30 minute miles so I'm pretty pleased with how my training is progressing. Barton Springs felt awesome after the run. Joey had gotten me take out from Pok-e-Jo's for lunch, and we had a mellow afternoon watching football.

    High points of the trip, and these are in no particular order:
    • Seeing everyone - it's a long list
    • Jordan's Party - a separate entry to follow
    • Babysitting Jordan, which involved an excursion to Auditorium Shores. I can't even begin to tell you how much fun that was.
    • Amy's ice cream and Plucker's with Jordan and Joey
    • Watching UT football with Joey and his dad
    • Joey's dad's gumbo and Joey's mom's pie
    • Dinner at Chuy's with Maggie
    • Lunch at Chuy's with Joey
    • Barton Springs
    • Running on the Trail
    There really wasn't any downside to the trip except that I realized that I didn't get to eat at Chuy's with Rachel. In all the years since Brian and I have moved, I don't think that's ever happened. I guess we'll have to double up on my next visit. Also, I didn't get to see everyone that I would have liked. I'll have to do better next trip.


    md said...

    It was great visiting with you!! there is only so much I can fit in a text message to you! nice catching up with you.

    Joey said...

    It was awesome having you in town. Thank you for helping out so much, and for understanding when I was too busy to hang out. Jordan was also thrilled to have you here for his party. Gracias!