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    Sunday, October 14, 2007

    More Cowbell!

    I was on YouTube the other day looking for a particular Saturday Night Live clip to send to a friend. I wasn't sure if I would find it because NBC has been coming down hard on YouTube about the whole copyright thing and a lot of SNL clips have been pulled. I have had some luck finding older clips so I figured I'd give it a shot. I found the clip I was looking for and sent the link to my friend. Then I remembered another clip that I had tried to find quite a while ago but it had been removed at the time. It's up on You Tube again- who knows for how long so I thought I'd share.

    For those of you that might be wondering about the apparent randomness of this clip, it has to do with spectating with Rachel at Ironman Florida 2007. Here are the things that led me to this post today. Don't try to understand my thought process - it'll just give you a headache or make you afraid of me, or both.
    • Looking for a SNL clip.
    • Registration for Ironman Florida 2008 is approaching.
    • There will most certainly be cowbells at the NY Marathon.
    • Thinking about Rachel.
    So here's the clip - almost a year after Rachel told me about it, but no less funny. For those of you out cheering for a race - More cowbell, please!


    Joey said...

    I suddenly have a headache and a deep and abiding fear of Teresa. But I crave cowbell...

    Interestingly, I have a box full of cowbells in my car. Don't ask...

    Maggie said...

    T! you have seriously twisted my brain now. this morning I was listening to the radio and when I heard the drums I thought "could those be cowbells??"