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    Sunday, October 28, 2007

    Gimme a Break!

    Okay, this entry is a bit whiny and definitely has some bitch and moan in it, but it's my blog and I'm going to use it to vent a little. Anyone that knows me knows that vocalizing my frustrations goes a long way towards making me feel better.

    I have received three emails since Thursday regarding changes in the start of the NY marathon. The first email was to inform runners at the green start - that's me - that there is construction on the lower deck of the Verrazano Bridge and the running lanes will be narrower than in previous years so it may take longer to get across the start line. Mildly annoying but not the end of the world, but considering that I am already getting nervous, it's not want I wanted to hear. Next email - due to major construction around the Verrazano Bridge, it is recommended that all athletes take the Staten Island Ferry. Again this is not a huge deal, and even looks like it might allow me to sleep later. It just requires rearranging my morning plans, but on top of the previous email, and the fact that I am already nervous, it's not what I need. Email #3 - all runners in the green start will be put into waves and each wave will be led up from the corral onto the bridge as soon as the previous wave has cleared. Okay, now I'm starting to get bent out of shape. Seriously people!

    Now I'm sure most of you are thinking "What's the big deal? Just some logistical changes. At least they are keeping you informed." All of which is true, and it really isn't that big a deal. It will mean that it will likely take longer for me to cross the start line which has nutritional and hydration implications, and I do have to replan how I am getting to the race start, but mostly it's just adding to my nervousness. Anyway, that's my rant for the day - nothing major, but I feel better already!


    Joey said...

    Did you get the email about the rabid wolves at mile 3?

    Teresa said...

    Yes! It was hilarious! You are so wrong! ;-)