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    Saturday, April 5, 2008


    I keep starting posts with the intention that I'll dash off something quick and get it posted for everyone's reading pleasure, and then the post turns into something lengthy and my Attention Deficit kicks in before I get finished. Yes, that happened just a few minutes ago when I gave up on yet another blog entry because I'm tired, my lunch is ready, and I want to go to the gym and get in the hot tub. So here is a quickie for you.

    I love Coke! Now I know what every one of you that knows me is thinking, and no, I haven't been brainwashed by aliens, and I haven't suddenly started drinking soda on a regular basis, and I do still think soda is bad for you in general, but there are times when Coca-Cola is a like a minor miracle. Today was one of those days. I came in from my long run - 2 hours in hot, humid, frequent downpours, and sometimes windy weather - and I couldn't tell if I was hungry or nauseous. After a few minutes in the air conditioning, I started to feel a little lightheaded, and decided I was probably nauseous so I grabbed one of the bottles of Coke I keep in the pantry for occasions like this, and after a few sips of the warm beverage - yes, warm - I felt infinitely better. I'm so glad warm, flat coke is a regular item at the aid stations for Ironman. I am sure I'll need it.

    1 comment:

    md said...

    umm...coke is one of those things I cannot live without. but I'm more of a d-coke girl. and I'm very particular about how I have mine. In a thick glass with ice, crushed ice is even better. the coke must already be cold and bottles are better than cans.