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    Sunday, March 30, 2008

    A little bit silly

    The other day I received a card in the mail from my sister-in-law Heather. It was a lovely thank you card and included some photos from her wedding. These were pics from the disposable cameras that had been passed out for the guests to use. Most of them were of my brothers looking so handsome in their tuxes. I was looking through them and having a totally gushy, sentimental moment until I got to the last two pictures, which were of my husband being way too silly. I started laughing, showed the pics to Brian, he started laughing, and commented that he remembered posing for those and that Emily (my 12-year old niece) had taken them. I'm not sure we are setting a good example but that is probably a conversation for another day. Anyway, Brian looks at me and asks "Those are going on your blog, aren't they?" I responded that they should go on my blog, but since I would have to scan the photos, I wasn't sure. He said I should definitely post them. Well okay, if you insist.

    These photos are what I started viewing. So nice!

    Here is the shocking finale!

    Yes, that is me in the corner covering my face with my hands. I'm sure I was probably shaking my head back and forth, too.

    No, wait ladies - I saw him first. He's all mine! Actually, Brian's silliness and sense of humor is one of the things I love about him. We definitely had a good laugh over these photos.


    md said...

    Brian is such a lush!! double fisting it??!!

    looks like fun times!!

    Joey said...

    Yeah, that's the Brian I know and love.