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    Sunday, February 10, 2008

    Barbie Girl

    This morning while Brian and I were watching SpongeBob, I saw a commercial that made me sit up and take note. Normally, Brian and I tune out the commercials during SpongeBob because they are geared toward kids. This particular commercial was for Beach Barbie and her friends. I swear I had heard my name. I rewound the DVR - I love the DVR - and sure enough, there is a Barbie with my name - spelled the same, and she's a brunette. Brian and I both lost it, and started laughing hysterically. Brian said he is getting me one as a present. Now to be honest, I'm a little disturbed by the notion that there is a Barbie out there with my name on it. I don't know why since I played with Barbies as a child and my nieces play with Barbies. Of course, the next step was a Google search. It turns out that Barbie Teresa was introduced in 1988 as a friend to Barbie. Here is a slideshow with some of the various incarnations of Barbie Teresa. For those of you out there that think it might be fun to start referring to me as Barbie Teresa - don't even go there!


    Joey said...

    Hey, Barb, it looks like the slideshow is broken. When you and Ken get back from cruising the convertible can you see if you can fix it?

    Teresa said...

    Weird! It was running fine for me, but not in Explorer. It seems to be working now. Perhaps the same internet monster that temporarily swallowed your blog also came after mine?

    md said...

    BT!!! you're a barbie super star!!