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    Thursday, February 14, 2008

    Happy Birthday, Sarah!

    Today is Valentine's Day, perhaps one of my least favorite holidays. What do I have against this day, you might wonder? Nothing big, I just feel like lovers, spouses, life-partners, and any other term you might come up with for couples, shouldn't need a holiday to make a special effort to do nice things for each other or buy each other gifts. Couples should always make that effort, and part of me feels like a holiday devoted to love gives people an excuse to be a little lazy in their relationship at other times. It also makes single people feel bad about themselves for not having a date. Okay, the fact that everyone in Gainesville was trying to get home early today and the 5 o'clock rush hour was the worst I have ever seen it, making my evening run less than enjoyable, might be making me a little cynical, but I'm still not a fan of the holiday - other than as an excuse to eat chocolate, of course. Rant over.

    Now there is a reason for celebrating on February 14th, but it is much more personal and has nothing to do with couples. Today happens to be my sister Sarah's birthday, and I am a big fan of celebrating birthdays. Sarah is my only sister and we are only 15 months apart so we are very close, even if we didn't always get along growing up. It's funny watching her two older girls interact - it's like going back in time 30 years. My sister has 4 young children and is an extremely busy stay at home mom. If anyone deserves a special day just for herself, she does. At any rate, Happy Birthday Sis! I hope it was a good one.

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