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    Sunday, June 24, 2007

    The VIP Treatment

    Saturday I was planning on going swimming at the Florida Pool on the UF Campus. Brian and I had no plans for the day. Brian had work to do and I was feeling pretty unmotivated. I had spent four hours Friday afternoon cleaning the gutters, trimming the shrubbery, and mowing the lawn so I wasn’t inclined to do any housework. I still haven’t gotten my laptop fixed so I didn’t have a computer. Brian was using his laptop, which he has been nice enough to share with me, and was working in the office so I couldn’t use the desktop either. I couldn’t work on my lesson plans for summer camp and I was getting antsy. My workouts the past week have been sporadic and uninspired – a bit of an off week – so I figured I should do something. It was already too hot for any kind of decent run or bike and I really didn’t want to do either at the gym – it was just too sunny outside. The pool it is!

    I really love the Florida Pool! It is a beautiful 50 yard pool tucked away behind the stadium on campus. There are palm trees around the pool deck and it is always very quiet. Even when the pool is crowded, I don’t have any problems finding room to swim. Since it is a university pool, there is the added bonus of eye candy. I got my things together for an afternoon in the sun and got ready to head out. I decided to check the pool’s website before I left just in case. The pool has regular hours but there are times when it is closed for various reasons. It turns out this was one of those times. It was closed Friday thru Wednesday for Summer session break. How annoying! I can understand being closed during Spring Break, but Summer session? Are all the lifeguards going somewhere? How about limited hours? Seriously! Okay, time to reexamine my plan. I had a few options. I could bail on my swim and do something else entirely, I could swim inside, or I could pay the $3.50 and go to the city pool. The pool is a really nice facility in Westside Park about a mile from my house. I run on the trail through the park and I’ve checked it out. It has lap lanes, diving platforms, a free swim area, a water slide and a kiddie pool. I’ve never swam there, though, because I can use the campus pool for free, and I have a pool at my health club that I already pay for so I’m reluctant to pay to use another pool. I really wanted some sun time so I decided to cough up the bucks and take my chances that there would be some lap lanes available. Plus I had already put on sunscreen. The decision was made.

    When I got to the pool, I asked at the admissions desk about lap lane availability. As I walked by the pool to get to the entrance, I noticed that there was a swim team having practice. I figured my chances of a lap lane were slim to none. One of the lifeguards explained that there are always two lap lanes open at all times – nice! – and that if the swim team was using them that I should have the lifeguard on duty make them clear out. Is this for real? I’ve never been to a pool where they actually enforced the lane limitations on the swim teams. I went in, found a deck chair to put my stuff on and headed to the lanes. The lifeguard I had talked to at the entrance met me there, showed me the lanes, and proceeded to clear out all the kids that were playing around in it. I told her I didn’t mind sharing the other lane, but she seemed intent on exercising her authority so I let her go at it. I must say the high school students take their lifeguarding duties much more seriously than the guards on campus. I’m sure the sheer number of people and the presence of children is part of it. Also, the fact that it is probably one of the few occasions when people actually listen to them might have something to do with it. Anyway, I was feeling like a VIP. I thanked her and started my swim. I ended up having the entire lane to myself. I can’t even remember the last time that happened. I don’t mind sharing lanes, but sometimes it’s nice to swim alone. I did an easy 1000 yards and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging in the sun. I decided to forego a trip down the waterslide because of the masses of children. Next time! Overall, it was a lovely afternoon and I definitely feel like my $3.50 was well spent.


    md said...

    Sorry you missed the eye candy at the University pool, but the VIP treatment sounds great! How can I get someone to clear the lanes for me? that would just be too cool!
    Enjoy the rest of your 'off' week. You deserve some rest, you've been training very hard.

    Joey said...

    Yeah, high school lifeguards, when they aren't acting too cool for school, do enjoy the ability to boss around people they have no control over outside the confines of the pool.