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    Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    Back to Work

    This week marked the beginning of me teaching summer camp at the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus. I taught there last summer also. I joked with one of my workout pals that I've got my work schedule backwards - working in the summer and taking the rest of the year off. He remarked that given how gross it is in Florida during the summer that I've actually got it right. Good point! Of course, I'm only working half days so it's not that big a deal. Also, we have a 2 week break in July so I really only work for seven weeks. How will I ever make it? So far everything is going well. I'm behind on my lesson plans because of the unexpected length of our New York trip but I'll get caught up. I don't have any funny stories to share yet since it's only the second day but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

    On a separate note, I'm starting to get back into a training groove. I did the stadium stairs again today. I was able to go all the way around the stadium running the whole way. I even went all the way to the nosebleed seats one time - I had to walk towards the end of that, but I got there. My legs felt much better than they did last week. Of course, it had rained earlier today and was cloudy and cooler than it was last week which I'm sure helped. I'm really good at training on my own and sometimes even prefer it, but for this type of workout it's nice to have a group to keep you motivated. I may even convince one or two of the group to join me on the track for my speedwork - now that I'm off the treadmill and back on the track. I'm considering having Brandon Marsh put together a training program for me for the Hammerhead Olympic Tri (HOT) in August. I did this race last year with Joey and we both had fun, but my training kind of fizzled during the summer after the Gulf Coast Tri so I didn't have as good a race as I could have. This year I would like to do better. Plus my tri season so far has been all about rebuilding my base. I still have a lot of work to do but I am feeling pretty good, and it would be nice to focus on improving my times for the HOT. It will also be my last tri of the season so I'd like to have a good race and finish on a positive note. Actually, I've made up my mind about Brandon, I just have to contact him and get the ball rolling. That's all I've got for now!


    md said...

    you work?? that's absurd! well, since it's only half day, okay.
    I'd love to try the stadium bleachers workout! it sounds sick but fun.
    keep me updated on your training.

    Joey said...

    Welcome back to the work force T! Remember to go in baby steps so you don't burn out too quickly.