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    Monday, March 30, 2009


    Hey guess what? I'm hungry! Apparently training for a half-iron makes you hungry. Who would've thought? I'm trying my best to eat lots and I thought I'd share my two newest snack food discoveries - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bars, and Kashi TLC Dark Chocolate Coconut Fruit & Grain bars. Yes, they are both really as good as they sound and more than take care of any cravings for sweets. The first time I had the Clif Bar, I ate it so fast I was surprised when I went to take another bite and it was all gone. The Kashi bars really are as good as they look on the box. If only my grocery store would stop running out of them.
    On a separate but related note - my grocery store stocks all the diet meal replacements, things like Slimfast, directly across from the chocolate and the candy. I just think that's really wrong! Not that I was getting Slimfast - they put the Clif bars with the diet stuff.


    Maggie said...

    I read this yesterday, and you inspired me. I just bought some Kashi bars at WF tonight. they look yummy.

    Maggie said...

    omg! these are little pieces of heavan sent straight from above!!!