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    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    I love this woman!

    I know it's been awhile since I've posted - I actually have 3 unfinished posts and 1 or 2 more floating in my head. Apparently I'm having some serious attention deficit with regards to my writing. Anyway, I just thought I'd take a moment to share this picture of Michelle Obama. She is preparing the ground for a vegetable garden on the White House lawn. The children are 5th-graders from a local elementary school, who have a garden at their school and will help to plant, care for, and harvest the White House garden. How cool is that? The garden will provide food for White House dinners and will be located in a spot that is visible to people walking on the street. Part of it's purpose is to help educate people on the benefits of eating healthy, natural foods. The NY Times wrote a nice article about the garden. Here's the link: Obamas Prepare to Plant White House Garden

    So why do I love Michelle? It's a growing list starting with she's smart, educated, independent, fit, healthy, attractive, but right now it's this picture. Lots of First Ladys and Presidents have visited schools and taken part in the classroom, but when was the last time you saw a First Lady outside digging in the dirt with a bunch of kids? Those of you that know me well, know how important I consider outdoor education, so this picture is great to me. Sure it's a nice photo op and I'm well aware that she might never work in the garden again, but even if it is just a nice photo op, it still says alot about her that she chose digging a garden as her school children photo op instead of something more traditional, and regardless of wether or not she ever works in the garden again, those kids will get to and that's very cool.

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