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    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    Skirt power

    What do you do when you've had a somewhat crappy day, are freaked out by your impending Ironman, missed meeting your running group, and would rather go to bed than go for a run, but don't want to squander the beautiful weather you've been blessed with? No, it's actually not a rhetorical question. If you happen to be a woman - or Joey, you can put on a running skirt. It is impossible to be bummed out while wearing a cute, snazzy running skirt. If you think I'm lying just try it out. That is exactly what I did this evening. I donned my latest Skirtsports acuisition - a red skirt with white racing stripes. That's right - red AND racing stripes. Everyone knows those two things make you faster so put them together and that's double the speed. That's my theory, I'm sticking to it. I topped off the outfit with my NYC marathon singlet for more motivation, and pulled on my Zoot running shoes. I really can't explain why wearing a running skirt gives such a lift, but it really does. I guess it's the cuteness factor. I've also noticed that lots of people smile when I wear skirts to the gym, and the college guys are way more attentive when I run the stadium steps in a skirt. Too funny! Brian said I looked way too cute to get sweaty so I considered the outfit a success, and headed out the door for a lovely evening run. I'm still feeling blah, but not nearly so bad, and I'm glad I got the workout done.

    Super cute new skirt!


    Joey said...

    Red skirt with a racing stripe? That's a lot of new speed... Let's geek this out.

    ((Stripes)(Red))^skirt = 2(Speed_normal)

    Teresa said...

    LOL Dang! I only get twice as fast - I was hoping for more. :-)

    md said...

    it's so adorable!! I bet it looks so cute on you! hmmm....maybe we need a pic of you in red striped skirt. :-)