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    Monday, June 16, 2008


    I'm sure everyone is wondering about the lapse in posts. I know it's been awhile, but I was actually working last week. Don't everyone fall over at once. Yes, it's true I do still know how to work. Summer camp started last week and this summer I am playing the role of van driver for the Field Camps. I'm actually doing more than driving the vans - I'm the first aid person and basically handling all the logistics, and helping with the campers as much as possible. What I'm not doing during those weeks is teaching - oh wait, yes I am, but I'm not required to and I'm not responsible for planning those camps so any teaching I do is basically what happens during the course of the camp. Last week was the Aquatic Field Camp, so I did a fair amount of teaching since I can teach that topic in my sleep. The field camps are all day, 8 - 4:30, and are mostly outside, which is great but also tiring. They are spread out through the summer, though so it's really no big deal.

    This week I am teaching a half-day camp in the afternoon, and I only have four campers so it's hardly like working. I am only working 5 weeks total this summer. Last summer I taught all seven weeks of camp. Between planning lessons and teaching, I was a bit fried. Since I'm training for Ironman, I decided to cut back a bit this summer. Working the field camps is perfect. That means I only have to write lesson plans for 2 camps, and one of them is spiders and insects, which I already have tons of lesson plans on the topic. So I'm working two weeks in June, two weeks in July, and one week in August. It's just enough to be fun, but not so much that I'd have to adjust my training schedule.

    Before camp last week, Joey told me to have fun being the crazy bus driver. I immediately thought of Ms. Crabtree, the busdriver from South Park, and this particular episode.

    On an aside, this episode was titled "City on the Edge of Forever(flashbacks)" Those of you that are Star Trek fans should recognize the title, and in the South Park episode, a kid wearing a red shirt leaves the bus and gets eaten by a big, scary monster. Again, Trek fans will get that reference. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a clip of that scene but you can watch the entire episode here

    1 comment:

    Joey said...

    oh, no! not the dreaded four letter w word. Wait, word is four letters too. How confusing.