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    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    There and Back Again

    It's been over a week since my last post so I figure I should get something up before everyone thinks I've dropped off the face of the earth. I've been in Austin since last Thursday and it was a superfun trip! I will probably do more details in other posts, but here are the highlights. I got to see Jordan play soccer - he has quite a kick. Rachel put together the 6th Annual Team Fantastic X Super Sprint Tri on Friday night. Yay! On Sunday Janice and Maggie were riding 100 miles as part of their Ironman training and Rachel joined them for part of the ride and Joey and I joined them for another part. It was a lot of fun riding with a group - our Ironman group actually - but it was also a little strange for me, since I am used to riding alone. I got two flat tires and had what could have been a bad crash but wasn't - just a few bruises and a booboo on my hand. I used up a lot of good karma on that one, I hope I still have some left. Joey and I had a nice swim in Barton Springs, and there was lots of eating out at the yummy Austin restaurants. It was a fantastic trip and it was so good to see everyone!

    1 comment:

    md said...

    It was so good to see you! Glad you were able to come visit! Had fun hanging out with you...and why does it seem like all we did was eat? Chuy's, Noodles, and Fire Bowl...mmmmm. Thanks for joining us on our 100 miler! It was very nice having you there and I was happy that the 4 of us Ironman's were able to ride together!