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    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    Still Here

    I realize I haven't posted in a week. I actually have three posts in the works but I haven't been on the computer much lately. We are having absolutely beautiful weather and I have been trying to pack in lots of outdoor time. Tomorrow will be more of the same, and I am looking forward to yet another afternoon spent at the campus pool. As far as this week goes, it's been one of those weeks where I can't figure out where the time went. Oh well!

    My training is going well, although I was quite tired on Wednesday. I resumed my stadium workout on Tuesday after a two week break and realized immediately why running hills had been harder than usual on Saturday. The stadium workout went well, but I was wiped after. Usually I ride the bike at the gym for another hour, but I opted for home and some evening yoga. After nearly falling on my face while doing balance poses - much to Brian's amusement - I opted to get down on the floor where I very nearly fell asleep.

    Speaking of yoga, I started teaching my class this week. I have 28 people signed up and it looks like I may have two more joining next week - 30 people, that's crazy! The last time I taught a fitness class with 30 people in it was the aerobics classes I taught at the University of MD - that was many moons ago. This is a beginner's class and everyone has such a great attitude. I love teaching beginners - it is both easier and more challenging than teaching more advanced students. Beginners typically know very little about yoga so they are very open to instruction, but they also don't know any of the terms, poses, and concepts so there is a lot more explanation required. All teachers should teach a beginner class - it helps to keep you familiar with the fundamentals of the practice. At any rate, this session is for six weeks and if there is enough interest, I'll continue offering classes.

    That's all for now. More soon!


    Joey said...

    sounds like you are going to have to add more sessions per week. great news on the yoga front!

    Maggie said...

    that's not nice of Bryan to laugh at you ;-p.
    glad you're back on with your yoga! way to go!
    and great job with your workouts!! you rock.