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    Sunday, February 1, 2009


    Liz, one of my roommates in college, posted this picture of me and Brian from when we all lived together at the Berwyn House - so dubbed because it was on Berwyn RD in Berwyn Heights. There were lots of good times living in that house. It's where I was living when I met Brian, and it's the first place Brian and I lived together.

    I thought this picture was funny because on any given evening, you could walk into our house and find a similar scene. I guess some things don't change even after 15 years. Brian sometimes complains that I am smothering him so when I showed him the photo, he laughed. I told him he had his chance to nip this behavior in the bud years ago and now he was stuck with it. He laughed some more.

    By the way, I'm wearing long underwear in this picture. I am very happy that I live in a place where long underwear is not necessary.


    Joey said...

    Even back then it doesn't look like Brian was too happy to be used as furniture :-)

    Teresa said...

    LOL For the record, Brian was watching TV and there was a party going on so I don't think my presence was disturbing him. Besides I don't use Brian as furniture, I am showing love. Snuggle = love. :-)