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    Thursday, January 8, 2009

    Welcome 2009

    I just realized I haven't done a blog post in a week - that's craziness! Usually I do my writing in the evening after Brian goes to bed, but I've been trying to stay off the computer at night so I can get to bed earlier, and get up earlier. I'm not a morning person, but my day seems to go much better when I get up early. Somehow I manage to get more done. Besides there might be a chance for a nap later - you just never know.

    In case you've been meditating in a buddhist monastery or have a calender phobia, the new year started last week. It's 2009! Wow - seriously, where does the time go? So what are my plans for 2009? Well, 2009 is going to be a repeat of 2008 in a lot of ways, although hopefully with better results. I'm not sure I'm off to a great start, though. I'm running the 3M half-marathon in Austin in a few weeks just like I did last year, but I don't think I'm going to make my time goal. I'm not even sure I'll hit my time from last year. I'll do my best, though, and I'm ok if I don't make my goal. I've been consistent with my training, and I feel really comfortable with my routine, and that's very important. The ultimate goal is Ironman Florida so if I miss my goal at 3M, it's not tragic. I will be running the half-marathon here in Gainesville a month after 3M and I feel confident that I can make my time goal for that race.

    So I've already mentioned 2 races on the schedule, there's also St. Anthony's Tri at the end of April, and Gulf Coast tri in May. I haven't decided yet on my first tri of the season - I'm still waiting to see how the month of March shapes up. You'll just have to tune in and find out.

    On another note, I'm adding a 2nd yoga class at the Veteran's Hospital. I am looking forward to continuing to work with my current students, who are progressing quite nicely, and will hopefully add some new students.

    I'm a generally optimistic person and rarely look back on a year and am grateful that it is over, but 2008 had a few big disappointments, and I must say that I'm glad to move on.

    One big goal I have for this year is to be so well trained for Ironman Florida that I could ride on a completely flat tire and still make the bike cut-off. Of course, I am going to have a nice set of race wheels so tires should not be an issue.

    1 comment:

    Maggie said...

    Bring on 2009!!
    sounds like you have a good plan for the next few months and rest of year.
    can't wait to visit with you while you're here for 3M.
    and as for are going to kick some serious butt! I just know it. I'll be right there training with you.
    Happy New Year!