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    Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    Forward Progress

    After I DNFed at Ironman Florida - that story is coming, I promise, but it's still hard to think about - I went out on the run course to cheer on the runners and the rest of my group. Joey and Janice were running together and looking strong, and Maggie was just 15 minutes behind them and looking like she could run forever! Yay team!

    At any rate, I had a total runner's high - I guess if you push that hard on the bike, the endorphins go just as crazy as they do on a run. Plus I was mentally and physically prepared to be running a marathon at the time so excessive pent-up energy doesn't even begin to describe it. I was totally loopy - even more so than usual. I know many of you are thinking "Wow, that's a lot of crazy - glad I missed it. " Our friend Mike, who was there providing sherpa services, refused to go get the cowbell for me. Probably a wise decision because I would have been ringing that thing non-stop.

    As I was cheering on the runners, I kept saying things like "You look great! Stay strong! Just keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other." Well, the phrase "one foot in front of the other" must have triggered a childhood memory because I started singing this song. It's now stuck in my head so of course I have to share. Enjoy!


    Joey said...

    Thanks for coming out and cheering. I would have been holed up in my room with the lights off.

    BTW, everyone needs a countdown to PIE.

    md said...

    {{{{T}}}}} you have such a huge heart. thanks for being there cheering us on. I agree w/ J, I would have hidden and felt sorry for myself. but you had such a positive attitude and you were out there spreading it around. thanks so much for the high five on the run course, it saved me!
    love you!

    Teresa said...

    Thanks guys! There is no way I could've hidden while y'all were out there suffering. Cheering for you made me feel better.

    Mags! It was the best high five I've ever given!