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    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    New Year’s Resolution Fulfilled (sort of)

    Hi everyone! I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while now and have finally decided to do it. Mostly I’ve gotten so bad about keeping in touch with everyone that I thought this would be a good way to communicate - which brings us to my New Year’s resolution. I have been so out of touch with everyone in North Carolina that I actually made a New Year’s resolution to send everyone an email to let them know I am still alive and thinking of them. I started that email three times now so needless to say I am failing miserably. (North Carolinians - stay tuned - the next post is just for you.) I also try to send regular email updates to my family and have been remiss about that as well. So I am joining blogland in an attempt to keep everyone up to speed about the goings on here in Florida. I hope some of you actually read it. This goes out to my family - I can track what towns the hits on my blog come from so I will know if you are not reading it. So read – I will quiz you later.

    For the four of you that actually know what is going on in my life, there will be posts about events that have already happened and are not new to you. Bear with me as I bring everyone else up to speed. Other than keeping everyone informed, it’s hard to say what else I might write about. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. By the way, if anyone has events, photos, or websites they want me to post, just send me an email. I look forward to your comments. (Yes, that’s a hint.)


    md said...

    T!!!!! I'm so excited that you have a blog!!
    I look forward to keeping up with you more now! I know we both get busy and there is only so much you can type in a text!! ;-)
    Hope all is good in Florida.

    Unknown said...

    yeah!!!......I actually have a google blog too. You should link to that one. Not everyone has a myspace acct. I need to figure out how to link to peeps blogs. I am a blog ig-mo..:(

    Joey said...

    T has FOMO! T has FOMO!

    Welcome to the blogosphere!


    Teresa said...

    Clearly someone - Joey - did not actually read my blog post or they would know that FOMO has nothing to do with it. ;-P

    Chel, I've changed the link - thanks for the heads up!